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Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Поздравляем вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Искренне благодарим за доверие и выбор нашей компании.
Хотим пожелать вам в следующем году свершения всех поставленных целей и задач.
Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Awnings, sun canopies
Awnings are an original and effective way to protect from sunlight and give the facade an attractive appearance.
Sun canopies are installed in summer cafes and private homes, shops and offices.
In addition to their direct function, awnings serve as an advertising medium, correct façade imbalances, and hide unaesthetic exterior details.
There are many types of awnings, and any one will attract the attention of passers-by and help create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.
Awnings and awnings made of awning materialsare common in southern countries, where the scorching sun leaves no choice - you cannot do without a reliable source of shade. In our latitudes, thickets are used as protection from rain and, less often, bright sun.
Bright, elegant awnings put you in a positive mood and lift your spirits, which is why they are sometimes installed in the windows of boutiques or restaurants located inside a shopping center.
The variety of appearance of awnings leaves the widest scope for design imagination. To visually update the facade, it is not necessary to make repairs - well-chosen awnings will transform the building. Even a dull and unattractive building will become stylish and elegant if each window opening is decorated with sun canopies.
The basis for the awning is made from durable and light alloys that can withstand wind loads. Fabrics for awnings are also durable, resistant to fading, with different textures and hundreds of colors. A drawing, logo or advertising information is applied to the material.
We will select an awning for any opening using design features:
• the most common awnings are elbow awnings, with a simple and reliable mechanism. There are cassette and with a falling elbow;
• exquisite bucket awnings, round or rectangular;
• vertical awnings protect from the wind and zone the space;
• terrace awnings are durable and will withstand the strongest winds;
• awnings for winter gardens protect against adverse weather conditions.
We offer awnings made from European components, with reliable mechanisms and Somfy and Soltis fabrics.
We will advise you on the manufacture and installation of awnings, and select the design and construction.