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Round windows

Round windows have never been a common interior detail. This is understandable, because glazing a round opening is much more difficult than a rectangular one. But, if everything in architecture was decided by rational considerations, round windows would remain a thing of the distant past, decorating palaces built in the Romanesque style and illuminating the portals of Gothic cathedrals. However, man’s ineradicable craving for beauty does its job, and harmonious, sun-like windows continue to appear in a variety of variations. A round window cannot be a random and inconspicuous interior detail. Even if this is a blind window, refreshing a modest attic space, the facade of the building will look unusual and very attractive, especially if we are talking about huge round second-light windows in the living rooms. Round windows are often associated with a nautical theme, as they resemble portholes. This allows you to skillfully play them in baths, saunas and bathrooms. Interior openings with round windows look original and unusual, allowing you to saturate kitchens and hallways with natural light. A bold solution is a round ceiling window, which can turn an attic space into a magnificent children's room or playroom. Wood is the optimal material for making round windows, since there are practically no restrictions on the diameter of the frame. You can make both a miniature window and a giant window. If the frame is too large, reinforcing elements are used - imposts. Solid round windows can be blind and can be opened in a vertical or horizontal plane, but large frames can create certain inconveniences. A round window can be divided into vertical or horizontal sashes, which not only simplifies the design, but also makes opening and closing simple. Special fittings allow you to do this without problems. Each round window is a unique piece, made according to precise measurements. For questions about ordering and manufacturing round windows, please contact our managers.
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