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Офис не работает до 13.01.2023

Framed, mullion-free windows

Fittings installed on the vast majority of wooden windows with double-glazed windows require that a partition - an impost - be installed between the opening sashes. These small slats are perceived as a necessary evil, however, having replaced old windows, many regretfully remember how they could open the window, and no partitions prevented them from admiring the view from the window. Shtulpovy windows received the name of the element of fittings - shtulpa. This detail ensures a tight fit between the two opening sashes without an impost. In this case, you must first open the working sash, and then the dependent sash opens. This method of opening is used in double-leaf doors, but when glazing window openings, they solve another problem - to ensure a tight fit of the sashes, preventing the appearance of drafts. Casement windows look like regular windows until they are opened. To obtain a window opening more than 1 meter wide, free from partitions, you cannot do without them. For windows of complex shapes, arched or round, a hinged opening mechanism is also preferable. The opening handle is placed on both doors, or a latch is placed on the dependent one. Installing anti-mosquito nets has its nuances. To ensure trouble-free operation of windows with a pin mechanism, production and installation are carried out by trained specialists. Choose mullion-free frame windows made of wood from the VitHouse company and you won’t go wrong!
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