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Arched windows

арочные деревянные окна
Arched windows are a non-standard and memorable architectural technique that was used in the construction of religious buildings, palaces and castles. This is not difficult to explain, because only wealthy homeowners could afford the manufacture of such complex and expensive structures. Today, arched windows are used in the design of private cottages and public buildings. However, it cannot be said that their production will become widespread, since despite modern technologies, the creation of window frames of curved shapes is a difficult process, requiring special equipment. In addition, without a careful approach to installation, problems with operation are possible, therefore, in our company, experienced installers are engaged in the installation of arched windows. An arched window has the form of a segment of a circle formed by a chord, the length of which is less than or equal to the diameter of the circle, while the height of the arch is not greater than the radius of the circle. However, this type of window opening, reminiscent of the human eye, is not common. Typically, an arch complements the upper part of a rectangular opening, increasing the area of the window and giving it an original look. There are 3 types of arched windows: •    semi-circular arched windows are a common type. Installed on buildings built in the Italian Renaissance style, easy to manufacture, the curved arched part is a continuation of the straight section of the frame; •    Gothic arched windows - with an arch extended upward, formed by two intersecting arches; •    Moorish arched windows – exotic windows with a horseshoe-shaped top that came to Spain and further into Europe from North Africa. Arched windows can be either fixed or opening. Often, for greater rigidity, the arched part is separated and made blank, decorated with imposts and sprockets. Wooden arched windows have no geometric size restrictions, however, careful preliminary calculations are required for the required strength and rigidity of the structure. For questions about ordering and manufacturing arched windows, please contact our managers.
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