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Офис не работает до 13.01.2023

Wooden slopes

Wooden slopes are the most sophisticated and elegant way to seal window openings. Such slopes will be in perfect harmony with elite wooden windows, and together with wooden window sill form a complete design element. To prevent wooden slopes from deforming during operation, we use selected, carefully dried wood for their production. Modern impregnation and paint materials make it possible to protect it from the harmful effects of moisture and give it the desired texture and shade. The slopes can be made from the same wood as the window, or use a different material, playing with different combinations of shades. The thickness of the wooden slope can be different; at the client’s request, the slope can be supplemented with a neat platband framing the window opening. For each window, wooden slopes are made based on individual measurements, which guarantees a perfect fit. The installation of such slopes is carried out very carefully so that the appearance of the window opening is impeccable. Wooden slopes do not require special care and will serve for many years, and if necessary, they can be restored without any problems.
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