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Офис не работает до 13.01.2023

Schüco AWS 90.SI+

Schüco aluminum system The AWS 90.SI+ window combines the advantages of aluminum and excellent thermal insulation to meet future, ever-increasing requirements – for environmentally sustainable construction. The Schüco Window system AWS 90.SI+ not only provides excellent thermal insulation, but is also able to satisfy the most demanding design requirements and a variety of options with an installation depth of only 90 mm. In combination with Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart hidden fittings, it is possible to realize large windows with sash weights of up to 160 kg, and in combination with Schüco TipTronic mechatronic fittings, it is also possible to use the energy potential of the building.

Product benefits

  • Excellent thermal insulation with installation depth of 90 mm: Uf value from 1.0 W/m²K (visible width 117 mm)
  • Uw factor = 0.8 W/m²K (with Ug = 0.6 W/m²K and PVC spacer)
  • Co-extruded middle seal with apron
  • Improved thermal insulation zone due to thermal bridges with foam inserts
  • Extensive range of profiles for a variety of solutions
  • Combination with door series ADS 90.SI
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