Уважаемые клиенты и партнеры!
Поздравляем вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Искренне благодарим за доверие и выбор нашей компании.
Хотим пожелать вам в следующем году свершения всех поставленных целей и задач.
Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Поздравляем вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Искренне благодарим за доверие и выбор нашей компании.
Хотим пожелать вам в следующем году свершения всех поставленных целей и задач.
Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Exhibition in Crocus City: congratulate us on success!
The VitHouse company took part in the IV international exhibition “Beautiful Homes. Russian architectural salon".
Despite the fact that this is not the first time we have exhibited at such forums, we prepared especially carefully for this exhibition. It is this site that seems to us the most promising, as it attracts a large number of professionals in the field of architecture and design. For ordinary visitors, the format of the event is also interesting - the opportunity to see so many new products in one place is rarely provided.
Hundreds of Russian companies, as well as companies from Germany, Holland and Finland, took part in the exhibition. Here one could see what will appear on the domestic market most likely in a few years, get acquainted with promising technologies and global trends in architecture and design. For us, this meeting with colleagues was very fruitful; new ideas emerged that we hope to please our clients with.
The exhibition stand of the WitHouse company was organized as its own mini-exhibition demonstrating our achievements. Here you could see and touch wooden windows and mosaics, as well as our new product -modular houses. There was considerable interest from outside, but what is especially valuable for us was that we were recognized by the jury who chose the best stand. We received a diploma for the best stand, and this award took pride of place in our office.
If you did not have the opportunity to visit the October exhibition, do not be upset - in our office you can see samples of our work all year round!