Уважаемые клиенты и партнеры!
Поздравляем вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Искренне благодарим за доверие и выбор нашей компании.
Хотим пожелать вам в следующем году свершения всех поставленных целей и задач.
Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Поздравляем вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Искренне благодарим за доверие и выбор нашей компании.
Хотим пожелать вам в следующем году свершения всех поставленных целей и задач.
Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Choose functional windows for each room.
If you did not buy a house, but are building it yourself, then at the stage of planning and designing the premises, you can lay out window openings for functional glazing, depending on the purpose of the room.
Rooms with high ceilings should have a lot of light, so it is possible to install panoramic glazing or second-light windows.
In garages or plumbing rooms, transom windows are used, wide windows located right at the ceiling. In places where light is especially needed, and the external wall is narrow, you can design tall narrow windows from floor to ceiling with low window sills.
In the kitchen, you can design a wide sliding window in front of the work panel with the ability to slide apart in the form of an accordion or with a mid-turn opening mechanism.
Don’t limit yourself, take the best of what was invented by architects and engineers and embodied with the release of technologies that allow you to implement these solutions.
Our company will help you decide on the types and functional features of your future windows, as well as produce and install them. All you have to do is enjoy the view and the beautiful window!