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Офис не работает до 13.01.2023

Wooden houses 2013

The CROCUS EXPO IEC hosted the next specialized exhibition “Beautiful Houses, Wooden Houses”, which presented the best solutions in interior design and decor of the living environment. From October 31 to November 3, 2013, thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital had the opportunity to see the best that can fill their apartments, offices and cottages. The products of the company VitHouse fit absolutely harmoniously into the multi-colored interiors presented by famous domestic and foreign manufacturers. Product samples were presented at our stand, allowing us to demonstrate the diversity and level of quality. Here was all the fun we have to offer: Our works aroused noticeable interest among visitors. Without false modesty, we can say that among the many worthy design and architectural exhibits we did not get lost, and even the public, spoiled by numerous offers from the world's leading companies, was not disappointed. We understand very well that not everyone was able to come to the Crocus exhibition center, and not all of our company’s capabilities were presented at the stand. On our website you can see samples of interiors we have created, find out details about the methods and technologies used. We invite you to visit our office, where you can personally obtain all the necessary information on the range of products, the cost of work and place an order. certificate-2013.jpg nice-home-2013-2.jpg nice-home-2013-3.jpg nice-home-2013-4.jpg nice-home-2013-5.jpg nice-home-2013-6.jpg nice-home-2013-7.jpg nice-home-2013-8.jpg
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