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We invite you to “Breakthrough of the Year 2022”


MODA topical magazine and Vit House company present the 12th annual star award “Breakthrough of the Year 2022”

On May 24, at one of the most fashionable venues in Moscow, at the MODUS restaurant, the annual star award will take place, where the names of the most successful stars of show business will be announced!

Among the nominees: Olga Seryabkina, Lyusya Chebotina, Philip Kirkorov, Olga Buzova, Elena Blinovskaya, ST and Assol, Nikolai Baskov, Marie Kraimbreri, Yulia Kovalchuk, Alexey Chumakov, Zara, Yulia Savicheva, Natalya Podolskaya, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Katya Guseva, Sogdiana , and etc.

The hosts of the event are Vyacheslav Manucharov, Lyusya Chebotina and Elmira Abbasova.

General partner
VitHouse - Windows, doors, interior for a comfortable life! Using environmentally friendly materials and advanced technologies to bring style, beauty and safety to your home.

Gathering of guests: 20:00
Prize starts: 21:00
Address: Modus restaurant, 1st Truzhennikov lane, ow. 4

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