Wood processing: the cornerstone of window technology

Our company's technologists are convinced that the quality of wooden windows directly depends on the quality of the raw materials. Therefore, we carefully select the wood from which the laminated veneer lumber will be made. Knots, resin pockets, blue stains or mold are completely unacceptable, and low-quality raw materials have no chance of getting into our production.
Glued laminated timber is a multi-layer structure, the strength and rigidity of which significantly exceeds those of solid wood. But in order for the timber to be truly high-quality, the wood for its manufacture must be thoroughly dried. It takes a lot of time to obtain dry wood (moisture percentage from 8 to 12), but rushing is completely unacceptable. Deviation from technology may lead to deformation of the finished product, so we are not in a hurry. Only completely dried wood, which has significantly lost in volume due to the loss of excess moisture, will be cut into the thinnest smooth lamellas, which subsequently form layers of timber. The impeccable smoothness of the surface of the workpieces is achieved through processing on modern woodworking machines.
The timber is glued together from three layers, and adjacent workpieces must have an opposite angle of inclination. The core of the tree is unsuitable for making laminated veneer lumber; we carefully monitor this when cutting wood into lamellas. Of course, this nuance is not noticeable to buyers, but when cutting the timber, traces of annual rings are visible, forming a characteristic pattern.
Modern methods of wood processing are aimed primarily at preserving its natural qualities. At the same time, the natural ability of wood to breathe is not lost; wood still allows air to pass through. Water-soluble paints, in addition to giving wood the desired appearance, have additional bioprotective functions. The use of paints and varnishes from the world's leading manufacturers guarantees the durability and environmental friendliness of our products. Of course, such materials are not cheap, but we cannot compromise and jeopardize our reputation for the sake of questionable savings.
To reliably protect wood from blackening, mold and mildew, it is thoroughly impregnated with special antiseptics. Then the workpieces are primed, which ensures complete adhesion of the paintwork to the surface to be painted. Then each product will be coated with five layers of varnish from a reputable manufacturer - the German company REMMERS. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. You will not see paint drips or streaks on our windows.
Our customers can choose a varnish of any of the 15 colors in the catalog, and taking into account the possibility of two-color painting, there are really many color options for the finished product. We can also paint windows in any color from the RAL catalog.
The pleasant smoothness of warm wood under your fingers is a feeling familiar to many. To achieve such an effect, you have to work hard. But the joy in the eyes of our clients and their warm words of gratitude leave no doubt that we are doing everything right.