Adjusting wooden windows

Adjusting wooden windows with double-glazed windows is an activity that will not take much time from a competent specialist. Our products are equipped with high-quality fittings, and even at the production stage, the elements of the window structure are carefully adjusted. If during the installation process it is necessary to slightly adjust the degree of window pressure or adjust the locking mechanisms, this will definitely be done. After the installation specialists leave, your windows will open and close perfectly, but if after some time frequently used mechanisms begin to squeak, drafts or other problems arise, do not put off calling our support service. The fact is that if wooden windows are not adjusted in time, the fittings, which have a rather complex design, will be subject to overload. If you have to exert a little force when opening or closing a window, the inconvenience can be easily eliminated by adjusting the window hinges. If this problem is ignored, over time the sash will sag more and more, and at some point the hinge will fail. In this case, the cost of repairs will be much higher than paying for the services of an adjuster, and it is possible that expensive fittings will need to be replaced. Today it is not difficult to find instructions for self-adjusting wooden windows. Indeed, it is possible to cope with this task without special training, but if the attempt is unsuccessful, the cost of repairing broken fittings may become the cost of training. It’s even more offensive when, due to an inept attempt to adjust an expensive wooden window, the window unit becomes warped or the glass unit breaks.
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