
Professionally performed measurements are an indispensable condition for high-quality glazing. Even if you are completely confident that you know the size of the windows, you cannot do without specialists visiting the site. The main technological operation that the surveyor performs is determining the geometric dimensions of the opening. In this case, techniques are used that make it possible to record existing deviations in the vertical and horizontal planes. The accuracy of measurements guarantees that no problems will arise during installation, since a professional measurer will take into account the construction situation that will arise at the time of work: the design features of the room, temperature and humidity conditions and the possibility of ventilation. The customer’s presence at the measurements is mandatory, since based on the results of the work, a document is drawn up, on the basis of which the windows will be manufactured. Such essential points as the direction of opening and the location of the blind sashes are discussed. In addition, the size of window sills, methods of arranging window sills and low tides, the presence of anti-mosquito nets, the need for dismantling and other details. The measurement card is signed by the customer and serves as an integral part of the contract. During the measurements, you have the opportunity to discuss all the technical nuances with a specialist; they will explain to you the sequence of work, options for placing the window block along the depth of the window opening, arranging the installation seam and other important nuances. However, there is no need for the customer to delve into all the details, since our specialists will perform all the work in strict compliance with the technology provided for by GOST 52749-2007.
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