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Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Поздравляем вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Искренне благодарим за доверие и выбор нашей компании.
Хотим пожелать вам в следующем году свершения всех поставленных целей и задач.
Желаем вам всего наилучшего, финансового благополучия, жизненной энергии и гармонии.
Офис не работает до 13.01.2023
Installation of wooden window blocks
Installation of wooden windows is the final stage of work, on which the subsequent operation of the window structure largely depends. To ensure long and flawless service, we carry out all installation work in strict accordance with GOST 30971-2002. It is this document that determines the sequence of work to prepare window openings for the installation of window blocks, establishes requirements for installation seams and maximum deviations of installation gaps.
Strict adherence to technological instructions, the use of modern sealing materials, high-quality tools and fasteners ensure that the window structure will provide the required thermal, air and sound insulation. On the contrary, unprofessional actions of window installers can lead to the window structure collecting condensation or leaking air. In the worst case, significant deformation of the frames is possible, which will lead to a breakdown requiring replacement of the window unit. At each stage of work there are nuances, neglect of which will inevitably negatively affect the overall result.