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Wooden window repair


High-quality and professionally installed wooden windows with double-glazed windows rarely require repairs. Our quality control system is built in such a way that it practically eliminates the possibility of windows with various types of defects reaching the customer. With proper operation, the likelihood of breakdowns is minimal, but if even minor problems arise, it is better to immediately contact our specialists.

In accordance with the contract, all wooden windows with double-glazed windows manufactured and installed by our company have a warranty period of 5 years. If during this time the customer has any complaints regarding the performance characteristics of the window structure, our specialists will carry out the necessary repair work free of charge. It should be noted that if the breakdown occurs due to improper operation or is caused by mechanical damage, then the repair is carried out at the expense of the customer.

Perhaps the most significant trouble that can happen to a wooden window with double-glazed windows is damage to the glass. Even if it is just a small crack in one of the glasses, the physical performance characteristics of the entire structure change significantly for the worse. It is almost impossible to replace a broken double-glazed window on site, so the window frame has to be dismantled and transported to production. Of course, this is associated with significant financial costs and the need to somehow close the window opening while the window is being repaired.

The issue of the cost and feasibility of window repairs should be discussed with specialists, since in some cases it is more rational to simply replace them. Our managers will answer questions related to the repair of wooden windows in more detail.

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