Replacement of double-glazed windows

Replacement of double-glazed windows in wooden windows may be required in case of mechanical damage to the windows; another fairly common reason is the need to improve the performance characteristics of the window structure. Replacing single-chamber packages with multi-chamber or energy-saving ones can significantly reduce heat loss, and the use of special films can turn ordinary windows into unbreakable ones, make their surface mirror-like, or prevent unwanted sunlight from entering the room. New double-glazed windows can literally change the appearance of a building if decorative layouts are used in their manufacture. If wooden window frames require restoration, it is necessary to discuss in advance the need for restoration work. When carrying out work to replace double-glazed windows in wooden windows, a special tool is used to minimize damage to the coating of wooden window frames. The bead with which the glass unit was secured can most often be saved and reused, and the window frames can be thoroughly cleaned of traces of sealant and other contaminants. After dismantling, the window opening must be closed; a translucent film is usually used as a temporary protective material. New double-glazed windows will be manufactured in exact accordance with the dimensions of the window frames, since even small deviations will lead to the impossibility of creating a sealed structure. Installation of new double-glazed windows requires caution and certain skills, which our employees fully possess. An accurate calculation of the cost of work to replace double-glazed windows and the time frame for their implementation is possible after a specialist visits the site to determine the volume and complexity of the work, take measurements and agree on details with the customer. For all questions regarding the replacement of double-glazed windows, please contact our managers.
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